Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 22, 2013 GodWhispers

My GodWhispers for this week talks about being sensitive to the feelings of others. But although we nod our heads to this, in reality, being sensitive of others is hard. This is especially true if we are being asked to be sensitive to the feelings of people who hurt us or of whom we are angry with. 

How can we be sensitive to these people? This is a question I am asking myself, too. I am personally struggling with feelings of hurt, anger, and rejection. So, how can I be sensitive to what the people who hurt me are feeling if feelings of hurt and anger are too overwhelming? Sometimes, I feel like I am swimming in the open ocean - no sign of land or boat to come to my rescue. Sometimes, I feel like these negative feelings are choking me.

I guess, the answer is by asking for God's grace. Because if we heed our hurting hearts and if we rationalize things, being sensitive to the feelings of those people who hurt us is a very hard task. But by asking the grace to be sensitive, we are, in a way, laying down our hurts, anger, and burdens to God. We are, in effect, saying, "Lord, my burden is too heavy for me to take on alone. I need you. I need you to take this burden from me and give me your grace to forgive."

May the goodness and graces of our Lord be with you today. May He grant you the grace to forgive and be sentitive of others. God bless you! :)


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