Monday, May 6, 2013

My GodWhispers for This Week

My GodWhispers this week tells me to be careful with what I say. Why? Because words can both build and destroy.

Being tactful is not one of my strenghts. In fact, I tend to spontaneously say what's on my mind, especially when I am angry. 

Most often, because of my anger, I say things without thinking how the other person might feel or think about. And this is not a good thing, I know. 

Recently, I had a fight with a family member and uttered harsh and hurting words. Although these words may be true, still saying negative things to someone entails tact.

Unfortunately, I cannot take back what I've already said and so I have to face the consequences. Now, our relationship is not as it used to be and the hurtful words we said are all to blame. 

If you are or know someone who is undergoing difficulty because of hurtful words, it is best to pray - pray for the Holy Spirit to stop our tongues from hurting others with what we say. Let us also ask the Lord for tact that we may be careful with the words we say. Lastly, let us ask the Lord to give us the grace to be silent when we have nothing good to say. 

May God grant you peace and a new beginning as He has granted us after a difficult trial. May God continue to shower His blessing upon you and your family. And may you all have a great week. God bless you!


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