Monday, May 27, 2013

Prayer of a Busy Person

"Lord, I thank You for the gift fo this day
and for the graces You have in store for me today.

Bless my present concerns and this task 
I am about to undertake.

At every moment, let me be aware of Your loving presence
and make me conscious of the truth 
that everything belongs to You, 
for You know everything and 

You are the source and end of everything I do. 

I entrust to You every movement of my hand, 
every step I take, 
every person I meet and think about,
and everything that occupies my mind. 

May I undertake every task 
with a heart filled with love for You and for others.

Fill my mind with Your truth.

Help me to do things the way You want me to.

Transform my life into a channel of Your love for others.

In everything, may You be glorified
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 



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