Thursday, January 16, 2014

God Whispers on Facing Problems

Messages from God Whispers has been inspiring us in our lives, and I'm sure glad that I subscribed to this service, what, years ago?

Today, I'd like to share with you what God Whispers has taught me in facing problems:

Focus on Dreams

Dreams are our long-term goals in life. It is what we aim to achieve, but difficulties can hinder and block our way towards our dream. The message says that we should stay focused on our dreams, not on our present difficulties because like everything else in life, these too shall pass. :)

Focus on Purpose

Problems make us worried and sad, while our purpose motivates us and makes us determined to achieve it. Problems are like bumps or holes on the road. They distract and delay us if we linger on them too long. Instead of focusing on our problems, let us instead fix our eyes on the road ahead, specifically on our goals and purposes in life. :)

Change Perspective

Thank God for our problems! Without these, we would not have been forced to grow up. Don't let problems weigh us down. Rather, let us change the way we view our problems and use these as opportunities to learn from life and grow. Problems offer us lessons that will guide us in life, so we should watch out and learn from them.

Presents, Blessings, and Treasures

Again, facing problems is just a matter of changing perspective. A simple change in what we call our problems could help in the way we approach them. Instead of problems, say "I have a present from God right now". Instead of burdens, say "I have blessing right now". And instead of trials, say "I have treasures".

Changing our perspective and calling our problems "presents", our burdens "blessing", and our trials "treasures" will usher in abundance in our lives.

Be a Winner, Not a Whiner

Whining never helped solve any problem. So, why do we do it? From now on, avoid whining and stop complaining. Use your words to bring God's blessings on our lives. :)


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