Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How to Do the Sign of the Cross

How to do the Sign of the Cross
The Sign of the Cross is a prayer itself and it goes like this: 

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to Do the Sign of the Cross

To do the Sign of the Cross, you have to use your right hand. First, touch your forehead with your right hand while saying the word "Father". Then, place your right hand at the lower middle of the chest while saying the word "Son". Afterwards, your right hand should touch your left shoulder at the mention of "Holy" and the right shoulder at the mention of "Spirit." Lastly, put your hands together in front of your chest and say "Amen."

Related Reading:
Sign of the Cross

Sign Of The Cross
In Sign of the Cross, Bert Ghezzi will tell you the fascinating history of this powerful ancient gesture as well as guide you into a renewed experience of God. The book will also reveal the 6 dynamic truths of our spiritual life. Ghezzi is also the author of 16 books including Voices of the Saints, Mystics and Miracle, Living the Sacraments, Everyday Encounters with God and Saints Devotional Bible.


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