Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Litany of Praise

Give praise and thanks to God everyday!
"I praise You, Lord Jesus!

You are my Life, my Love.
The Name above all names.
You are the King of kings.
King of creation.
King of the Universe.
You are the Lord of Lords.
You are the Almighty.
You are the Christ.
Christ, the King.
Lamb of God.
Lion of Judah.
Bright Morning Star.
Our Champion and Shield.
Our Strength and our Song.
The Way, Truth and Life.
The only Truth.
The Real Life.
The Wonderful Counselor.
The Prince of Peace.
The Light of the World. 
The Living Word.
Our Redeemer.
The Messiah.
The Anointed One.
The Holy One of Israel.
The Good Shepherd.
The Sheepgate.
The Lord of hosts.
The Rock of all Ages.
My Hiding Place.
The Savior of the World.
The Strong Tower.
Mountain of Refuge.
Bread of Life.
The Font of all Holiness.
The Living Water.
The True Vine.
My Spouse, my Maker, my Bestfriend.
Our Fortress.
The Deliverer.
Our Victory.
Our Salvation.
Our Righteousness.
Our Wisdom.
Our Sanctification.
The Door.
The great I AM.
The Great High Priest.
The Cornerstone.
The Sure Foundation.
Our Joy.
Our Portion and Cup.
My Healing and Wholeness.
Our Covenant.
The Promise of the Father.
Everlasting One.
Most High God.
Lamb that was slain.
The Just Judge.
The Balm of Gilead.
Mighty Warrior.
My Defense.
The Bridegroom.
My Patience.
My Security.
The Perfecter of Faith.
Solid Reality.
My Provider.
The Resurrection and the Life.
The Alpha and the Omega.
The Beginning and the End.
The Source, Guide and Goal of all that is.
All that I need.
All that I want.
Worthy of all praise.
Rose of Sharon. 
Most Powerful Person.
Lily of the Valley.
Dew of Israel.
My Inspiration.
All Knowing God.
All Seeing God.
Prince of Justice.
Blood of the Lamb.
The Suffering Servant.
Man of Prayer.
Supreme God.
Seat of Wisdom.
All Consuming Fire.
Lord of Revival. 
Reviver of Life.
Giver of Life.
Robe with Majesty.
Great in Splendor.
Miraculous Worker.
Answering God.
Awesome God.
Marvelous and Big God.
Lord of Service.
His Love endures forever.
His Mercy endures forever.
The Great Amen.
The Great Musician.
Lover of my Soul.
My Comforter.
Great Encourager.
My Hope and My Trust.
Blessed His Name.
Holy God.
Holy Immortal One."


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