
About me

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

I write by the pen name angeluriel. [I consider myself a private person so I use pen names. :)]

I am, first and foremost, a believer in Christ Jesus who is my personal Lord and Savior, who is also my friend and confidant. If you're wondering, I am a Roman Catholic by religion.

I used to ask myself "Why am I here? What is the purpose of my existence?" I guess all, if not, most of us have asked these questions at one point in our lives. That was the beginning of my personal journey towards God. Eventually, God provided the answer to these questions. Now, I believe that each of us are living life for one goal only: to worship God.

About this Blog

Having my prayer time everyday is very important to me. It starts my day just right. It helps a lot in keeping me in the right mindset all throughout the day. Once I have my prayer time, my thoughts become more organized, my emotions can more easily be controlled, and peace just overflows.

To supplement and complement my prayer times, I've fallen into the habit of writing down my thoughts, prayers, and reflections in a prayer journal. I started this habit or routine way back when I was in college, which was also the time I became a part of a Catholic community called Elim. Through the years, I've had several of these prayer journals so I decided to create this blog to make my entries more organized and to keep them in one place.

It is my prayer that those who read this blog would find the words in it as a font of inspiration and that it may create in you the urge to know our Lord more.

Again, thank you for visiting my prayer journal a.k.a. blog. God bless you! :)

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