Monday, May 9, 2011

A Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Today, I am inspired to share a prayer to the Holy Spirit. I got this from my high school religion textbook a long time ago..

The prayer goes this way..
Jesus' Baptism by the Holy Spirit

Come, O Holy Spirit, and 

shine on us the rays of your light.

You are a father to the poor.
Come, then, giver of presents, 
Come to us, you who are the light of men's minds.
You are the best of all friends, 
A man's gracious guest and companion.
You offer rest to those who labor,
Shelter to those who look for shade, 
Comfort to those who are sad.
O blessed light, fill the hearts of all Christians.
Without you a man is an empty shell,
Unable to do any good.
Wash away whatever is unclean in man, 
Refresh whatever is parched,
Heal whatever is wounded,
Soften whatever is unyielding,
Warm whatever is cold,
Rule whatever is unruly,
Give your seven gifts to all those who rely on you.
Give them the reward of good living, 
salvation, and joy forever.


The Holy Spirit is our helper. In times of frustration, anger, distress or whatever strong and uncontrollable emotion you may be under, just remember to utter a little prayer to the Holy Spirit. In fact, it is good to ask the Spirit for his presence, guidance and gifts to sustain us throughout the day. 

Do not forget nor hesitate to pray to the Holy Spirit. When Jesus ascended to the heavens, he said that believers need not worry or fear for a helper, the Holy Spirit, will be with us and who will tell us the truth.

As a catholic, I believe in the Holy Spirit as much as I believe in the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. Together and in unity, they are the three Divine Persons of One God. And I hope and pray that my life may give them greater honor and glory now and forever. Amen.


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