Saturday, May 7, 2011

A VERY Inspirational Video from YouTube

If you think you're having problems, look at this guy and you'll realize that your problems are nothing compared to what he's in.

Really, the guy is just amazing!

As I watch how happy he is and is enjoying his life, why can't all us normal people do the same?

Well, I am also guilty of being pessimistic and hopeless with my life but now, after watching this video, I will always make sure to thank the Lord for everything - the good, the bad, and everything in between.

I will never wallow in loneliness and sadness nor will I allow myself to give in to hopelessness again.

Also, here's a really good reminder from AW Pink:
"Reject any suggestion that God is unduly severe with you. Resist with the utmost abhorence anything that causes you to doubt God's love and His loving kindness toward you. Allow nothing to make you question the Father's love for His child. "


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