Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The King of Peace

Today's reflection come from Psalm 72:1-4, 7-8. This particular pasage talks about how Jesus, the King of Peace, would bring peace and justice in His reign. In other words, if Jesus reigns in our hearts we will have peace and He is sure to show His justice. 
1Of Solomon.

2O God, give your judgment to the king;
your justice to the king’s son;
That he may govern your people with justice,
your oppressed with right judgment,

3That the mountains may yield their bounty for the people,
and the hills great abundance,

4That he may defend the oppressed among the people,
save the children of the poor and crush the oppressor.

7That abundance may flourish in his days,
great bounty, till the moon be no more.
8May he rule from sea to sea,
from the river to the ends of the earth.


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