Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Still on Loving Each Other

For the third day in a row, God's message to me has been all about loving others. Today's reflection is taken from 1 John 4:19-5:4. Here are the important points:
21"Those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also."

  • "Let us love one another, since He loved us first."
  • "You become a liar if you say "I love God" but hate your brother and sister."
  • "God commands us to love our brothers and sisters if we love Him."
  • "All those bord of God should keep His commands, which are not burneds since they have overcome the world by their faith."
  • "Those who believe that Jesus is the Anointed are 'born of God'."

As Pope St. Gregory the Great said, "The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist."

How should we love others?
According to Matthew 22:39, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Today, let us pray: Lord, have mercy on us for our sins are great. But greater still are Your mercy and love. Amen.


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