Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Problem With Making Excuses

"When you are good at making excuses, it is hard to excel at anything else." - John L. Mason

When Adam and Eve committed Original Sin and God confronted them about it, they made excuses. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. Neither owned up to their sin, and so they started a never-ending cycle of making excuses that continues to this day. 

The problem with making excuses is we don't progress and grow. When we blame someone else, we pass the fault to them. And because we're not at fault, we don't examine our thoughts, words, and deeds for any wrong. Since there's nothing to correct, then we don't grow and progress. 

However, when we face our sins and own up to them, we begin to see what is wrong with us. It might be a wrong mindset, wrong words, or wrong actions. Whatever it is, we begin to correct it and thereby progress and grow into a better person.  

Photo by Thibaut Santy on Unsplash


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