Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Season to Remember

There comes a time in our life when we lose someone dear to us, someone we love. When this happens, we are overwhelmed by the heartache we feel from their parting. We might ask, "How can I cope with the loss?"

When I asked this question myself after my baby boy died in my womb on Christmas day, God's response was immediate: "a season to remember." In my struggle to make sense of what happened, especially with the question of future Christmases - anniversary of my dear boy's death - He reminded me to remember. 

What should I remember? Not the loss of my baby but the end of his sufferings, hope of his salvation and eternal peace, joy, and love in God's presence. Remember the lessons and messages learned during the time of his untimely demise. Remember God's gifts, graces, and providence - all His blessings - throughout the entire ordeal. Remember how He was present for us throughout our struggle, trial, and challenge. Remember the hope I have in Jesus, that my precious baby's soul is now in the Father's loving arms and that the same Father will grant us who are still living with the graces we need to become holy so as to reunite with my baby boy in the end. 

God reminds me to remember that: 
  • God is a loving Father - too wise to be mistaken
  • God is wise - too good to be unkind
  • God is faithful - His plan is the best
Remember that we should stop fearing but start praying instead. Remember what matters to us most and treasure them in our lives. 

And to mimic what Jesus and his family did when he was born. Joseph, Mary and Jesus gathered in Jerusalem. Our family too should gather in our homes to celebrate Christmas. The Holy Family followed the rituals and traditions of their time and so should we. For our family, we'll celebrate and remember our lost baby by attending Christmas Mass, visiting his tomb, lighting candles, bringing flowers, and saying a prayer for the salvation of his soul. 


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