Thursday, May 19, 2011

Acknowledging our sins

What are sins?

Why do we sin?

How can we stop committing sins?

How can we be free from the bondage of sin?

These are some questions that you, like me, might have. I'm no expert neither am I an authority on this matter. Still, here are my insights:

In my opinion, sin is something - an action, a thought or a word - that conflicts with the will of God. We commit sin because of pride - an illusion that we are right or that we know what's best for us. Because we are blinded by our pride, we follow what we think is right and disobey God. 

Sin is harmful to our personal relationship with God. And because pride [in my opinion] is the root cause why we continue to commit sin, then we need to ask God for the gift of humility. For our part, we must submit to the will of God always - not only when we feel like it or when we agree with God but ALWAYS, even if we do not feel like it and even if we do not agree with God. We must not be stubborn but rather become malleable and allow God's will in our life to mold us into the person He wills us to be.

And so we pray:

Dear Lord, 

We come before You once again today. We acknowledge our sins, faults, failures and mistakes and ask for Your forgiveness, mercy and love. We acknowledge that pride hinders us from allowing Your will in our lives. Forgive us Lord for allowing the Enemy to deceive us. Forgive us for thinking that we know what's best for us when in fact we do not. 

Today, we commit ourselves and our whole lives to You alone. May You grant us the necessary graces we need to follow you at all times - convenient or inconvenient. May Your will be done in our lives today and for the rest of our lives. Use us and our lives for the building of Your kingdom here on earth and for Your greater honor and glory. 

Remember God's promise when our sins seem to overwhelm us:
"He will cleanse us from all wrongs we have done."
(1 John1:9)
and take note of these wise words from Jim Eliff:
"Confession by itself is  not repentance.
Confession moves the lips; repentance moves the heart."
[see the difference?] "Though your confession may be honest and emotional, it is not enough unless it expresses a true change of heart."
God bless you! 


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