Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Been a While

Dear Lord,

It's been a while since I last sought Your presence. I'm sorry. :(

I know that You are an All-Knowing God.. that even before I utter the words, You already know what is in my heart and mind..

You know that I long and crave for Your presence in my life.. like in my younger days when life was more bright and positive for me..

I humbly ask You today Lord to be my Lord and Savior once more..

May You grant me the perseverance and patience, and every other grace I may need, to make this so..

I have always dreamt of serving You like Your servants in a Catholic community..

May You grant me my heart's desire which is to live for You alone.. to worship you in my thoughts, words and deeds..

I am not perfect.. indeed, far from it.. I am a failure, a laughing stock and a fool..

But I would gladly be all these if it were only for You..

My life today is far from the life I know you want me to have..

Please come into my life once more Lord.. Please do not give up on me..

Make me into a new creature, a new being living and breathing in You and for You alone..

Today, I denounce all evil from my life..

Today, I commit to making my life better..

Today, I forgive myself for all the disappointments and mistakes..

Today, I forgive others for hurting me and causing me pain..

Today, I will strive to be the best that I can be..

Bless this day Lord.. Make it ultra special as I know only you can..

Thank you Lord for all the blessings You continue to shower me with..

Thank you for my family..

Thank you for people who genuinely care for me..

I praise You Lord..

May You be glorified and honored now and forever..



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