Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011

Dear Lord,

This day is about to end and I've come to realize once again how haywired and unorganized my days are without you. 

My husband is right when he pointed out that all the negativities I'm experiencing within myself is all because I haven't had "my vitamins", as he calls Your word.                         

Rightfully so. Without Your word blessing my day, I feel weak, frustrated and irritated. Life loses color and everything just turns out to be a mess.

He is right in telling me that I should keep on having my prayer time with you every single day. He said, "Trust in Jesus." And I say "Amen!"

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Dear Lord,

Thank you for the inspiration for this blog. May you bless the words that are in it and use them as vessels of your blessings to others. May you also grant me the grace to make it a habit to write in this blog each and every day Lord. May you inspire me to great heights daily. And may this blog and all that it contain be in accordance to your most Holy Will and bring you  greater honor and glory, now and forever. Amen. 


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