Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6, 2011

dDear Lord,

I come before you once again today seeking more of you. I know my future is in your hands. I trust you Lord, despite the hopelessness I feel inside. Help me Lord to recognize the things I cannot change and help me to deal with it O Lord.

In the past, I've committed so many mistakes.. and still, I continue to commit mistakes today.. over and over and over again. When will I ever learn.

I am confused right now, O Lord. Please clear my mind. I just want to pour it all out. I feel so disadvantaged and cheated. What do you want me to learn from today Lord? Please speak clearly to me today.

Please open my heart and mind to recognize your voice amidst all the noise all around me. Clear my mind of all worries and anxieties about the future. Grant me hope. I just want to cry endlessly...

Please grant me the grace to bear this burden you have given me to bear.. and may I bear it gracefully..

I am a laughing stock and I feel so little and so insecure.. I feel like I'm going to be nothing and a nobody.. Not that it matters.. I just want to be happy and at peace with You, with myself, and with everyone else..

All I want is to be with You.. I long for the time when I leave this world to be with you once more.. yet I also dread it.. My life in this world, I'm afraid, is not worthy for your gift.

I've said so many words.. and they don't make any sense to me at all..

Please, be with me always.. Your presence is all I'll ever need .. You are all I'll ever need..

I love you, Lord! And I know you love me so much more! Help me to cling to this and never lose hope..


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Dear Lord,

Thank you so much for your humility and obedience to the Father. Thank you so much for your love for the human race. Thank you for your sacrifice and gift of eternal life to all of us.

I pray Lord that each and every day we may become witnesses of your life and truth to others, especially those around us ~ our loved ones, our community, and the whole world.

Lord, we ask for your Holy Spirit and for all His gifts. May He live within us and live through us. May our hearts and minds be ready always to receive His presence and to witness to His presence in our lives.

Forgive us our sins Lord. May you also grant us the grace of forgiveness. Help us to forgive those who have done us wrong, those who have hurt us in one way or another and most especially, may you help us to forgive ourselves.

We pray that failures and disappointments may not become stumbling blocks. Help us to learn with every experience we have of life and help us to grow and mature in our faith.

Lead us by the hand, Lord and keep us in the right path. O Lord our Good Shepherd, we  depend, live and breath through and because of you. Thank you so much Lord!



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